Вскоре все перевод!

На протяжении всех этих лет LE, мы получили несколько писем от различных мест в мире, с вопросами и предложениями.

Вот список (не исчерпывающий) друзей
и группыразработчико:

Pere Casellas (Каталония) Laboratori d'envol founder
Joe Faust (California, USA)
Pioneer of free flight in the USA, organizer of First Otto Lilienthal Universal Hang Glider Championships, inventor-researcher, historian of free flight.
Lift e-zine
Juan Carlos Salvadori (La Pampa, Argentina)
Regular contributor in building prototypes, instruments, and several experiments. We built the Pampacat, the Ascender, the Paramontante, a water piston porosimeter ...  CZ Wings Aero-velerķa
Foil Tec Paragliders
Rick Clarke (Utah, USA)
Assistance in the English translation of the book "Paraglider design"

Simon Frydman (Paris / Honfleur,  France, EU)
Help with translation into French of certain pages. Ideas for new rigid wings, delta and paragliding. Workshop. Ciel Ouvert

Carles Torres
STRIP-AIR (Каталония)
Paragliding workshop, El Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona). Constructor of the original gnuLAB2 "Barretina" prototype. http://www.stripair.cat
Adrenaline Paragliders (Yecla, Spain EU)
My friends of the new spanish paraglider brand. BatLite 1.8, Bat'sXX
FLUID WINGS. Scott Roberts (Utah, USA) Point of the Mountain
Инженер. FLUID WINGS. Parachutes and paragliders designs using LEparagliding. http://fluidwings.com/
Thierry Blanc, Switzerland UNIX programmer. Hybird concept
thi scripts
Jeremy (Germany, EU)
BarretinaHyperLite JAP constructor
Николай Rainsiv (Москва, Россия) Инженер и дизайнер параплана. SingleSkin open-source software for design single skin paragliders and kites. Bionic and Woopy-like designs.
Roman Barthelemy (Grenoble, France EU)
Инженер. Парапланы и кайты дизайнер и конструктор. Bat 18 m2 single skin constructor.
Fertito Custom Designs
Jeremy Paxon (Germany, EU)
Paraglider pilot, sailplane instructor... BHL-JAP single skin constructor.
Jean-Paul Sevestre (Fontanes, France, EU)
BHL-JPS single skin constructor.
Julien Caquineau (Ilulissat, Greenland)
Paraglider pilot, skydiver, BASE jumper, ... Suluk single skin constructor.

Роман Иванов (Харьков, Украина) Аэрокосмический инженер. Paruplaner paruplaner.ucoz.ru
Юрий Ванюк (Гурзуф, Крым) Инженер. Парапланы и кайты дизайнер и конструктор. Contact:  https://vk.com/id62800103   Youtube
Дмитрий Анисенков (Ижевск, Россия) Инженер электроник. Парапланы и кайты дизайнер и конструктор. BHL2-21 Youtube channel

И многие другие, не перечисленные здесь!

Ниже несколько фотографий 2012 участников и друзей Laboratori:


(1,1) and (1,2) Adrenaline test pilots flying the BatLite near Yecla

(1,3) BatLite 25 m2 proto, first SIV test flight in Sant Antoni reservoir, near Ąger
(2,1) Pere playing with BatLite 22.5 proto in Boadella reservoir
(2,2) Pere showing paragliders to family and friends in Les Escaules (photos by Simon Frydman)
(2,3) and (2,4) BHL-JAP simple skin paraglider in Germany
(3,1) Salvadori testing the Pampacat 45 m2 in La Pampa - Argentina
(4,2) and (4,3) Scott proto, Point of the Mountain, Utah, USA
(4,3) and (4,4) Nikolay Single Skin Paragliders software, Moscow, Russia
