

The thread is an indispensable element for fixing the different parts of a paraglider or hang glider sail. The threads normally used are referred to as 40 / 3 or 60 / 2. But what significance does this number? I we'll give you a list thread numbers, the different types of thread, and its corresponding use. The numbers are related to manufacturing technology and composition of the thread.
40 / 3 thick:

The number 40 indicates the "stretching" of the yarn. The greater the stretching, the finer or thinner will.
The second number, in this case 3, shows the number of "strands" that comprise it. This thread is ideal for sewing a lot of resistance.
Paraglider use: main sewings in all ripstop panels, and line loops.

70 / 2 and 60 / 2 medium thickness:

Recommended for sewing thread poplin, denim (raw cotton), Dacron or similar material.
Paraglider use: line loops (gnuLAB2 loops 60 / 3)

100 / 2 Thin.

120 / 2 Very thin.
Thread used to embroider lace handkerchiefs edges or very light fabrics.

20 / 3 Very thick: use in risers (40 / 3 also OK)

thread polyester
Fig 1. Polyester threads: Gütermann 20/3, Gütermann 40/3, and Serafil 60/3

polyester threads
Fig 2. Polyester threads: Gütermann 20/3, Gütermann 40/3, and Serafil 60/3.
Attempts to determine the equivalent diameter: Number 20 -----> 0,53 mm. Number 40 ----> 0,35 mm.
Number 60 ----> 0,27 mm.
Approximate diameters measured in photographs. Keep in mind that
the diameter decreases slightly with tension due to the greater alignment of the strands.

Fig 3. "Laboratori" experiment: Taking the thread with both hands and turning with your right hand out of the body (clockwise), loosens the thread,
and show the number of strands that compose it, in this case three
. Photographs taken with high-resolution scanner (1200dpi).

Needle 80
Fig 4. Needles (287 WH system) number 80 analyzed by high-resolution scanner (1200dpi). Note the different colors for different types of steel.
The upper needle shows the face of the channel guide when sewing.

Fig 4. Needles 287WH number 80 analyzed by high-resolution scanner (1200dpi).

Recommendations to combine threads and needles:

Needles 287 WH system
Sewing thread
Darning and embroidery thread
Needle number
6 strands
3 strands
2 strands
170 - 200
80 - 100
70 - 100
70 - 140
50 - 80
50 - 60
50 - 70
30 - 40
40 - 50
30 - 40
20 - 30

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